Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sample HTML Code

In this HTML code we are learning how to write the tags like

  1. H1 to H6 (Heading) 
  2. HR (Horizontal Tag)
  3. B (Bold tag)
  4. U (Underline Tag>
  5. I (Italic tag)
  6. Font (font tag)
  7. Font tag Attributes like FACE, SIZE, COLOR
  8. CENTER (Center tag)
  9. BR (Line Break)

Sample Code of HTML tags

<head><title>Lets Learn HTML</title></head>
<body bgcolor="ff6633" text=white>
Horizontal Rule<br>
<br>This is sample <b>BOLD</b> <br>
<br>This is sample <u>UNDERLINE</u><br>
<br>This is sample <i>ITALIC</i><br>
<br>This is sample <font face="Lucida Handwriting" size=10>FONT FACE</font><br>
<br>This is sample <font size=10>FONT SIZE</font><br>
<br>This is sample <font color=red size=10>FONT COLOR</font><br>
<br>This is sample SUB SCRIPT:<font size=10> Log<sub>e</sub></font><br>
<br>This is sample SUPER SCRIPT:<font size=10>X<sup>2</sup></font> <br>
<br>This is sample <br>
<br>This is sample<br>


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